A Scrap of Wonder Miracle
Always, I have held the belief that I would have been a nuisance to the midwives who held me.
Today !
I met a lady by the Lochside. In glorious sun we sat and chatted. Pamela had retired from being a midwife.
We shared our current circumstances, whilst my mind was recalling my childhood game of Scraps and how this one had such an influence.
I was born in a maternity home and on my day five, mother became ill and was taken to the Infirmary.
We were reunited after five weeks.During our family’s separation father made a daily visit to see me inthe maternity home, my sister with our aunt and mother as she recovered.
I have carried a misconception of mind of loss for today Pamela explained to me that midwives will have loved to care for me, to protect and love me. To have delighted to take me in their arms and be mother for me.
Today the sun has shone in my mind, a miracle of wonder.
My heart is healed in gratitude to all who took care of me in my first days.
Is this the reason I am open to human kind with trust that we are all loving, kind, helpful and joyful.
I do believe so.
Much Love, Caroline